The Scythian philosopher Anacharsis (6th century B.C.) said: “There are three sorts of people: those who are alive, those who are dead and those who are at sea.”Many of those onboard the Nella Dan when she grounded in December 1987 never went to sea again. Such was their passion for the ship.
The bipartisan, bicameral bill will fuel U.S. economy, strengthen national security by responding to China’s threat over the oceans. Currently, the number of U.S.-flagged vessels in international commerce is 80; China has 5,500.Today, Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ), Senator Todd Young (R-IN), Representative John Garamendi (D-CA-8)
Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to revolutionize shipping by enhancing safety and efficiency, Christopher J. Wiernicki, ABS Chairman and CEO, said, while also noting the growing importance of the human touch in this high-tech era.“Maritime 5.0 will be defined by the ever-expanding capabilities of artificial intelligence, driving our complex industry to be safer
Marine towage provider Svitzer announced it has inked a deal Turkish shipbuilder Uzmar to build a world-first battery-methanol tug for scheduled delivery in the second half of 2025.Designed in collaboration with naval architect Robert Allan Ltd, the first-of-its-kind tug will be based on Svitzer’s TRAnsverse tug design and feature a 6MWh battery supported by dual fuel methanol engines for
“The enormity of this disaster is hard to imagine without seeing it in person…It may sound dramatic but given the wreckage field created by the collapsed bridge, the environment divers are working in, and the dangers posed to them, is like cleaning the site of 9/11 with blinders on.” - Rick Benoit, Emergency Management specialist at the U.S.
The 2024 IMO Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea is to go to two sets of nominees: the captain and crew of the oil tanker Marlin Luanda for containing a fire after the ship was struck by an anti-ship missile; and the captain and crew of the tugboat Pemex Maya for their rescue of six shipwrecked people from four different vessels during a hurricane.
Maritime software company ABS Wavesight on Tuesday announced major updates to its My Digital Fleet software aimed at empowering maritime operators to optimize performance, improve energy efficiency and streamline compliance with decarbonization requirements.The ABS Affiliate maritime software-as-a-service (SaaS) company unveield the updates at the Posidonia trade fair in Athens.
ABS chairman and CEO, Christopher J. Wiernicki, said he sees a universal, global carbon tax on shipping on the horizon, as alternative blue fuels made with carbon capture emerge as a growing part of the maritime industry's ongoing energy transition.“We need to recognize that there is an intermediate step in the energy transition
The Fascinated by Shipwrecks Podcast, hosted by Kathy A. Smith, is dedicated to the People & the Science of Maritime Archaeology.EPISODE 8 – Guest: Vince Capone – Hunting Shipwrecks with Side Scan Sonar“The robot is navigating underwater and runs a search pattern, collecting the data.
The Fascinated by Shipwrecks Podcast, hosted by Kathy A. Smith, is dedicated to the People & the Science of Maritime Archaeology.EPISODE 6 – Guest: Ryan MirandaUSS Constitution: Still on Duty“I was able to go below decks and see and touch some of the original ribs and the keel that’s still original. That was a really cool experience.
The Liebherr portal slewing crane of type LPS 600, the first of its kind in Germany, has been delivered J. MÜLLER Weser to enhance its bulk and general cargo operations at the port of Brake.The project marks the first rail-mounted portal crane at the port of Brake, designed for an extended 650-metre travel path in one direction
Rear Admiral John Okon has been named as the next president of SUNY Maritime College, a public maritime college in the Bronx, New York City.Okon, a retired U.S. Navy officer with more than 33 years of naval service, will succeed Rear Admiral Dr. Michael A. Alfultis, who will retire on July 1 after 10 years at the helm. Okon will become SUNY Maritime's 12th campus president.