In an article by Rhonda Moniz published this week on MarineLink, Siemens sales executive Ed Schwarz noted the flexibility provided by an electric distribution “backbone” that enables ferry operators to add more batteries, switch to new fuels or become 100% emission free with fuel cells.
The shipping industry has been watching the dual-fuel engine choices made for newbuildings as an indicator of what many see as an uncertain fuel future.In December, DNV’s Alternative Fuels Insights platform counted 27 ammonia and 322 methanol-fueled vessels currently on the orderbooks.Methanol has raced ahead of ammonia, which currently lags in both engine and regulatory development.
As global ship recycling markets head into the final month of the year on a comparatively firmer footing and a 2024 full of minimal sales and activity wraps up, cash buyer GMS says that noteworthy declines in prices have seen nearly USD 150/LDT wiped from sub-continent ship recycling levels.