The Scythian philosopher Anacharsis (6th century B.C.) said: “There are three sorts of people: those who are alive, those who are dead and those who are at sea.”Many of those onboard the Nella Dan when she grounded in December 1987 never went to sea again. Such was their passion for the ship.
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday appeared to back the anti-automation stance of some 45,000 union dockworkers on the U.S. East and Gulf Coasts, whose labor talks are at an impasse over that polarizing issue.The ILA and the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) employer group are facing a Jan. 15 deadline to finalize talks, which stalled over automation.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to revolutionize shipping by enhancing safety and efficiency, Christopher J. Wiernicki, ABS Chairman and CEO, said, while also noting the growing importance of the human touch in this high-tech era.“Maritime 5.0 will be defined by the ever-expanding capabilities of artificial intelligence, driving our complex industry to be safer
The 2024 IMO Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea is to go to two sets of nominees: the captain and crew of the oil tanker Marlin Luanda for containing a fire after the ship was struck by an anti-ship missile; and the captain and crew of the tugboat Pemex Maya for their rescue of six shipwrecked people from four different vessels during a hurricane.
Maritime software company ABS Wavesight on Tuesday announced major updates to its My Digital Fleet software aimed at empowering maritime operators to optimize performance, improve energy efficiency and streamline compliance with decarbonization requirements.The ABS Affiliate maritime software-as-a-service (SaaS) company unveield the updates at the Posidonia trade fair in Athens.
ABS chairman and CEO, Christopher J. Wiernicki, said he sees a universal, global carbon tax on shipping on the horizon, as alternative blue fuels made with carbon capture emerge as a growing part of the maritime industry's ongoing energy transition.“We need to recognize that there is an intermediate step in the energy transition
American Fan working with Ingalls Shipbuilding and other shipbuilders to provide ventilation fans for ten Flight III destroyersFairbanks Morse Defense (FMD), a portfolio company of Arcline Investment Management (Arcline), has been awarded multiple purchase orders for its Ohio-based business unit, American Fan
Contract talks covering 45,000 dockworkers on the U.S. East and Gulf Coasts are set to restart on Tuesday in a labor dispute that will help set the pace of automation at ports stretching from Maine to Texas.The International Longshoremen's Association wants to eliminate past labor contract concessions on automation - notably the use of semi-automated cranes that stack containers on docks -
The Liebherr portal slewing crane of type LPS 600, the first of its kind in Germany, has been delivered J. MÜLLER Weser to enhance its bulk and general cargo operations at the port of Brake.The project marks the first rail-mounted portal crane at the port of Brake, designed for an extended 650-metre travel path in one direction
Denmark-based Blue World Technologies has completed the testing of the world’s first 200 kW high-temperature PEM fuel cell module, exceeding performance expectation of the system which aims to contribute to the decarbonization of the maritime industry.The test was completed at the newly established test facilities in connection to the Blue Aalborg Factory
A new ship safety center in Athens will help prepare seafarers to handle a dynamic, multi-dimensional shipping industry as alternative fuels and emerging technologies present new challenges for the sector.Plans to open the Hellenic Ship Safety Center were announced by classification society ABS at the Posidonia trade fair in Athens.
Offshore installation contractor Allseas has made progress on the installation of the pipeline for Santos’ Barossa Gas Export Pipeline (GEP) project offshore Australia.Allseas’ Audacia pipelay vessel has installed her largest ever PLET in S-mode, concluding several years of in-house engineering, fabrication and testing, the Swiss-based contractor said.