Rocket Lab, a company specializing in launch services and space systems, has acquired a barge which will be modified to specialized ocean landing platform for rockets returning to Earth.Rocket Lab acquired the Oceanus barge from New Orleans-based, private marine transportation company Canal Barge.
Increasingly, maritime finance is tied to the environmental impact of the asset or project.Under Zero-Emission Accelerating Ship Finance (the Program), which is jointly operated by the Development Bank of Japan Inc. (DBJ) and ClassNK, ClassNK evaluated the LNG-fueled car carrier OCEANUS HIGHWAY (IMO No. 1046049), owned by Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. ("K" LINE). DBJ provided financing to "K" LINE.
This week at MarineLink…The term doomscrolling was one of the Oxford English Dictionary's words of the year in 2020.“the action of constantly scrolling through and reading depressing news on a news site or on social media, especially on a phone”It rose to prominence during the pandemic, but today’s social, political and economic unrest keeps it current.