The U.S. Coast Guard on Sunday located four Russian Federation Navy (RFN) vessels 57 miles northwest of Point Hope, Alaska. While on a routine patrol in the Chukchi Sea, the crew of U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Stratton (WMSL 752) observed the RFN vessels transiting southeast along the Russian side of the Maritime Boundary Line (MBL).
At the Maritime Risk Symposium 2024, scheduled for June 11-13 at Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, RADM Matt Bell, USCG (Ret.) facilitates a panel entitled: Multi-Service and Maritime Industry Collaboration in the Arctic, to better understand how the changing dynamics in the Arctic region will necessitate increased collaboration between the maritime services and industry to mitigate the
The U.S. Coast Guard decommissioned Coast Guard Cutter Naushon (WPB 1311) during a ceremony in Homer on March 21.Rear Adm. Megan Dean, the commander of Coast Guard District 17, presided over the ceremony honoring the nearly 40 years of service Naushon and its crews provided to the nation.Commissioned on October 3, 1986, Naushon was the 11th Island-Class cutter to join the fleet.
Uncle Sam wants you — to choose a career in welding. The chronic shortage of qualified welders has been well documented. The American Welding Society (AWS) even created a website — — so that industry and the media could share accurate data. Currently, the U.S. needs 330,000 new welding professionals by 2028.
Crowley has been recognized as a Top Company for Women to Work For in Transportation by Women in Trucking Association’s official magazine, Redefining the Road, for the fourth consecutive year.This recognition underscores Crowley’s sustained commitment to fostering an inclusive workplace that empowers team members by offering competitive compensation and benefits and emphasizing professional