New MariOT testbed aims to strengthen shipboard cybersecurity, train next-gen maritime professionals, and foster global collaboration.Singapore has taken a major step toward fortifying the maritime industry's cyber defenses with the launch of the Maritime Testbed of Shipboard Operational Technology (MariOT), the world’s first industrial-grade cyber-physical training platform for shipboard systems.
The Rolling Stones were wrong: Time is not on my side.Too often a myth is created and if not killed off right away, it will take on a life of its own and time will not debunk it. Many myths are created for evil or political purposes, but some myths just occur because the truth is just too complicated.Some of those myths don’t even make sense, but there is no available data to establish the truth.
Texas A&M Maritime Academy's training ship came to the aid of a small vessel disabled and in distress drifting in the central Gulf of Mexico.While traveling from Texas to Florida aboard TS Kennedy, cadets William Flores and Kai Ethridge spotted the stricken vessel near daybreak during their morning watch.“Shortly after sunrise, a small black object was spotted in the distance.
Eureka Shipping announced it has ordered a new cement carrier from Holland Shipyard Group in the Netherlands for scheduled for delivery in 2025.Eureka Shipping, jointly owned by SMT Shipping and The CSL Group, said the 12,500 dwt mechanical/pneumatic cement ship will replace two older vessels in the Great Lakes region while maintaining the same cargo capacity for operations.