The latest high-tech rigid hull inflatable boat (RHIB) from Annapolis, Md. based boatbuilder Ocean Craft Marine (OCM), the 11.5-meter Offshore Interceptor, is the result of an innovation push involving some of the industry’s top players.“The design itself is an evolution of existing designs we've done, but taking it to the next level,” said Todd Salus, OCM vice president of operations.
The CMA CGM Group has announced the winners of its first CMA CGM Startup Awards.The international competition, organized in partnership with BFM Business, La Tribune and ZEBOX, attracted over 400 entries from innovative startups. 60 finalists, including 34 French startups, were selected to present their projects.
A partnership between Iceland's TM Insurance and Hefring Marine promises to bring the 'big brother is watching' mantra foward faster in marine operations.Touted as an AI -driven ‘digital assistant’, the primary target for this offering are the helm stations of fast craft, and according to Hefring Marine, IMAS Helm addresses both accident prevention and fuel efficiency
Validation of voyage emissions data and contractual arrangements for allocation of EU ETS costs remain key challenges for Greek shipowners as they face an estimated total €335 million bill this year, potentially rising to €1bn once the regulation is fully implemented, according to OceanScore.
Singaporean aluminum boat builder Strategic Marine recently delivered TMS Ranod, the first of two Gen 4 Fast Crew Boats to growing Thai offshore services provider Truth Maritime Services (TMS). The pair of newbuild contracts were signed in 2023.Strategic Marine launched the 42m Gen 4 FCB design in collaboration with Southerly Designs
KR has released two digital platforms, KR-DAON (Digital Application Online Network) and Nexawave, alongside the launch of its enhanced fleet management system, KR e-Fleet V3.The KR e-Fleet V3, an upgraded version of the existing fleet management system, focuses on enhancing operational efficiency through increased speed and simplification.