Companies that once committed to investing in U.S. offshore wind infrastructure and supply chains are now scrapping their plans as the industry experiences significant challenges. These setbacks stem from project delays, soaring costs, and the potential loss of federal support under former President Donald Trump’s proposed policies.
There’s more to domestic dredging than meets the eye. Dredging Contractors of America CEO Bill Doyle is just the guy tell you why.William P. Doyle serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Dredging Contractors of America (DCA). DCA represents the dredging industry on key issues before Congress and is an active partner to the U.S.
“Our connections to the maritime world are far more profound and diverse than I think most of us realize.” James P. DelgadoJim talks about his long, storied career, starting with his budding interest in archaeology and history at age 10, and how his career path changed when he was exposed to the buried San Francisco Gold Rush ship Niantic while working for the National Park Service.
“The biggest museum we have sits at the bottom of the sea.” James P. DelgadoShipwreck discoveries often hit the news and can be captivating tales of exploration, trade, and war in times gone by.Behind these discoveries are the stories of the ships, their crews, and what life was like for them.
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and the United States Coast Guard Research and Development Center (USCG-RDC) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) as a stepping stone towards collaborative research and development on top-of-mind technologies impacting the maritime industry.Activity under the MoU can include developing joint research publications
A. P. Møller-Mærsk's newly developed design for an ammonia-fuelled 3,500 TEU container vessel has earned approval in principle (AIP) from classification societies Lloyd’s Register (LR) and the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS).Led by the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping, the design project also involved MAN Energy Solutions, Deltamarin, Eltronic FuelTech.
The two classification societies American Bureau Of Shipping (ABS) and Lloyd’s Register (LR) have issued an approval in principle (AiP) for a new ship design of an ammonia-fueled 3500 TEU container vessel.A cross-industry taskforce including A. P. Moller-Maersk, MAN Energy Solutions, Deltamarin, Eltronic FuelTech
The Military Sealift Command’s Maritime Prepositioning Ships (MPS) and Auxiliary Crane Ships (ACS) were built 50 years ago to pre-position vehicles and supplies in forward locations and load or unload them in undeveloped or damaged port facilities. I serve with MSC’s Taluga Group, charged with finding innovative solutions to pressing problems.
For Cheryl “Cherrie” Felder, the path to the maritime industry was both untraditional and seemingly meant to be. After studying African art, she began her career working in a museum in New Orleans before landing a role directing professional rodeo in the Big Easy.“It was a lot of fun, and I learned a whole lot,” Felder said. “But as you may imagine, New Orleans is not a rodeo town.
U.S. importers are playing the waiting game with new container shipping contracts, gambling the rate spike from Red Sea vessel attacks will fade and put them in a stronger negotiating position, shipping industry analysts said.Iran-aligned Houthi missile and drone attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea have forced most container carriers to reroute vessels around Africa and sent spot rates
Van Oord, in cooperation with ZEDHub, Smart Delta Drechtsteden, the Municipality of Dordrecht and Port of Rotterdam, has demonstrated the operation of the fully electric crane vessel Christiaan P, a first for the dredging industry.Christiaan P. is a crane vessel owned by Paans Van Oord which was retrofitted to remove its engines and replace them with electric motors.
The U.S. Army has selected Maj. Gen William H. "Butch" Graham Jr. to be its next chief of engineers and commanding general of the Corps of Engineers, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III announced on July 10.Graham is currently serving as the deputy chief of engineers and deputy commanding general for civil works and emergency operations.