• General
    • Vessel Name : SANDY DYESS
    • Operator : DYESS MARINE
    • Ships Type (ICST) : Tugboat
    • Vessel Type : Tugboat
    • Construction : Steel
  • Engine
    • Horsepower rating : 300
  • Location
  • Capacity
    • Net Tonnage : 20
  • Size
    • Register length : 47 Feet
    • Regular Breadth : 16 Feet
    • Overall Length : 50 Feet
    • Overall Breadt : 16.6 Feet
    • Load draft : 4 Feet
    • Light Draft : 4 Feet
    • Height : 31 Feet
  • Other
    • Year : 1963
    • EQUIP1 : NONE
    • Coast Guard Number : 291466


  • Area of Operation : IDLE


Reopening the Channel: A Look-back at the Key Bridge Accident Response

Reopening the Channel: A Look-back at the Key Bridge Accident Response

“The enormity of this disaster is hard to imagine without seeing it in person…It may sound dramatic but given the wreckage field created by the collapsed bridge, the environment divers are working in, and the dangers posed to them, is like cleaning the site of 9/11 with blinders on.” - Rick Benoit, Emergency Management specialist at the U.S.

Cruise Ship Arrives in New York with 44-foot Whale Carcass on Its Bow

Cruise Ship Arrives in New York with 44-foot Whale Carcass on Its Bow

Marine conservationists and government scientists are seeking clues to the mystery of how a 44-foot whale carcass ended up on the bow of a cruise liner, where it was discovered as the ship approached New York City's Port of Brooklyn over the weekend.A necropsy, the animal equivalent of an autopsy, identified the deceased marine mammal as a mature female sei whale

Marine News' Top Vessels of 2023

Marine News' Top Vessels of 2023

The November edition of Marine News magazine highlighted a selection of the most notable American newbuilds delivered of 2023—from a first-of-its-kind green towboat, to the lead vessel in a series of game-changing ships to train U.S. mariners.Empire StateAs the lead vessel in a series of five new training ships being constructed to serve America's state maritime academies

Captain McManus Preps to Take the Helm of Empire State VII

Captain McManus Preps to Take the Helm of Empire State VII

Captain Morgan McManus will serve as the Ship’s Master on the Empire State VII, the first in a series of five National Security Multi-Mission Vessel (NSMV), which at press time was getting its post-sea trial finishing touches at Philly Shipyard. The project to design, build and deliver the NSMV series is one of the most exciting shipbuilding programs in the U.S.

Fire on Staten Island Ferry Caused by Design Flaw, Lack of Training

Fire on Staten Island Ferry Caused by Design Flaw, Lack of Training

A 2022 fire aboard the Staten Island Ferry Sandy Ground was caused by a combination of engine design flaws and insufficient training for engineering crewmembers, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) revealed on Tuesday.The incident occurred on December 22, 2022, as the ferry, carrying 884 passengers, was navigating New York Harbor between Staten Island and Manhattan.

Navy Combat Craft - Boats Evolve to Keep Pace with Threats

Navy Combat Craft - Boats Evolve to Keep Pace with Threats

Combat craft are used by both large and small navies, and every navy, coast guard or maritime service operates some kind of boats.The U.S. Navy’s boats are used for a variety of tasks from personnel and cargo transport to ship repair and maintenance to environmental response.The combat craft range from pull sized patrol boats down to ridged-hull inflatable boats (RIBs) armed with machine guns.

Insights: Blake Powell, JMS Naval Architects

Insights: Blake Powell, JMS Naval Architects

Blake Powell, president at JMS Naval Architects, discusses his career, company and latest trends in naval architecture and marine engineering.Please give a brief professional bio, including education, experience and overview of current duties as president of JMS Naval Architects.I earned my degree in Naval Architecture from the University of California

Not All Underwater Reefs are Made of Coral

Not All Underwater Reefs are Made of Coral

When people hear about underwater reefs, they usually picture colorful gardens created from coral. But some reefs are anchored to much more unusual foundations.For more than a century, people have placed a wide assortment of objects on the seafloor off the U.S. coast to provide habitat for marine life and recreational opportunities for fishing and diving.

Shipwrecks Teem with Underwater Life, from Microbes to Sharks

Shipwrecks Teem with Underwater Life, from Microbes to Sharks

Humans have sailed the world’s oceans for thousands of years, but they haven’t all reached port. Researchers estimate that there are some three million shipwrecks worldwide, resting in shallow rivers and bays, coastal waters and the deep ocean. Many sank during catastrophes – some during storms or after running aground, others in battle or collisions with other vessels.