• General
    • Vessel Name : GRAND REPUBLIC 0
    • Ships Type (ICST) : 329 0
    • Vessel Type : 13 0
    • Construction : A 0
  • Engine
    • Horsepower rating : 6000 0
  • Location
    • City : PORT JEFFERSON 0
    • STATE : NY 0
  • Capacity
    • Net Tonnage : 1079 0
    • Full Load Capacity : 120 232
    • Type of Cargo : # 0
    • Passenger Capacity : 1000 0
  • Size
    • Register length : 306 257
    • Regular Breadth : 52 257
    • Overall Length : 306 257
    • Overall Breadt : 52 257
    • Load draft : 11 257
    • Light Draft : 9 257
    • Height : 70 257
  • Other
    • Year : 2003 0
    • EQUIP1 : NONE 0
    • Coast Guard Number : 1138010 0


  • Area of Operation : LONG ISLAND SOUND 0
  • Principal Commodity : PASSENGERS AND VEHICLES 0


  • Type : 13 0
  • Construction : A 0


  • Type : 13 0
  • Construction : A 0


US Drops Website Wording on Taiwan Independence

US Drops Website Wording on Taiwan Independence

The U.S. State Department has removed a statement on its website that it does not support Taiwan independence, among changes that the island's government praised on Sunday as supporting Taiwan.The fact sheet on Taiwan retains Washington's opposition to unilateral change from either Taiwan or from China, which claims the democratically governed island as its own.

Canadian Shipwreck Hunters Unleash New Tech

Canadian Shipwreck Hunters Unleash New Tech

Unlocking new levels of multibeam performance with Norwegian Subsea MRUMotion Reference Units (MRUs) are crucial in bathymetric survey technology, providing precise motion compensation data to ensure reliable and accurate seafloor mapping. For users like Captain Sid Hynes, a seasoned mariner exploring Newfoundland’s shipwreck-rich waters, the Norwegian Subsea MRU has redefined what is possible

U.S. Participates in South China Sea Maritime Exercise

U.S. Participates in South China Sea Maritime Exercise

It is no secret that today's focus of the U.S. Navy is preparing for the possibility of conflict in the Pacific by 2027, and a recent maritime exercise with the U.S. and the Philippines in the South China Sea - the fifth such publicized exercise - is a move that will likely irk China.The Philippine military said in a statement it held a "maritime cooperative activity" with the U.S.

Tanker and Tugboat Crews to Receive IMO Bravery Awards

Tanker and Tugboat Crews to Receive IMO Bravery Awards

The 2024 IMO Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea is to go to two sets of nominees: the captain and crew of the oil tanker Marlin Luanda for containing a fire after the ship was struck by an anti-ship missile; and the captain and crew of the tugboat Pemex Maya for their rescue of six shipwrecked people from four different vessels during a hurricane.

Fiji's New Patrol Boat Recovered After Grounding Incident

Fiji's New Patrol Boat Recovered After Grounding Incident

Salvors have recovered Fiji's naval patrol boat RFNS Puamau, three weeks after the brand new vessel went aground on its maiden patrol.The vessel was successfully recovered from the reef at Fulaga and towed to the safe waters of Ogea Island where a thorough damage assessment will be conducted, the Republic of Fiji Navy said.

Hanwha to Acquire Philly Shipyard

Hanwha to Acquire Philly Shipyard

South Korea's Hanwha Group has agreed to acquire U.S. shipbuilder Philly Shipyard in a $100 million cash deal, the companies announced on Thursday.Under the deal, which is expected to close in Q4 2024, Hanwha Systems and Hanwha Ocean will purchase purchase of Philly Shipyard, Inc., the sole operating subsidy of Aker-owned Philly Shipyard ASA, based in Oslo.

Fiji's Brand New Patrol Boat Runs Aground

Fiji's Brand New Patrol Boat Runs Aground

Responders are working to salvage Fiji's brand new naval patrol boat, which ran aground during its maiden voyage last week.The vessel, RFNS Puamau, is a Guardian-class Patrol Boat (GCPB) built by Austal for the Australian Department of Defence, which gifted the vessel to the Republic of Fiji Navy.

New Long Island Ferry Launched at Eastern Shipbuilding

New Long Island Ferry Launched at Eastern Shipbuilding

Eastern Shipbuilding Group (ESG) on Friday held a launch and christening ceremony for the ferry Long Island at its Allanton Shipyard in Panama City, Fla.Scheduled to be delivered later this year, the new Subchapter H passenger and auto ferry is being built for Bridgeport & Port Jefferson Steamboat Company, a subsidiary of McAllister Towing, for operations between Bridgeport, Conn.

Russia Shipping Oil to North Korea Above UN Mandated Levels

Russia Shipping Oil to North Korea Above UN Mandated Levels

Russia has been quietly shipping refined petroleum to North Korea at levels that appear to violate the mandates of the United Nations Security Council, a U.S. official said on Thursday, adding the U.S. is planning new sanctions in response.The disclosure came on the first day after a U.N. panel of experts monitoring enforcement of longstanding U.N.

St. Marys River Reopened After Laker Strikes Channel Light

St. Marys River Reopened After Laker Strikes Channel Light

The St. Marys River has reopened to vessel traffic after a U.S.-flagged Great Lakes freighter struck a channel light in the waterway.At approximately 1 a.m. on Thursday, the 730-foot bulk carrier American Mariner suffered a marine casualty and went bow-first into the Munuscong Junction Light, the U.S. Coast Guard said. The incident occurred in Munuscong Lake, which is a section of the St.

Great Lakes Freighter Strikes Channel Light on St. Marys River

Great Lakes Freighter Strikes Channel Light on St. Marys River

A portion of the St. Marys River has been closed to vessel traffic after a U.S.-flagged Great Lakes freighter struck a channel light in the waterway.At approximately 1 a.m., the 730-foot bulk carrier American Mariner suffered a marine casualty and struck the Munuscong Junction Light with its bow, the U.S. Coast Guard said. The incident occurred in Munuscong Lake, which is a section of the St.

China Coastguard Uses Water Cannons Against Philippine Ships

China Coastguard Uses Water Cannons Against Philippine Ships

China's coastguard said it had taken measures against Philippine vessels in disputed waters of the South China Sea on Saturday, while the Philippines decried the moves, including the use of water cannons, as "irresponsible and provocative".China's actions led to "significant damage" and injury to personnel on a civilian boat hired to resupply troops