Sanmar has delivered one of its multi-purpose Bogacay Series tugs to Norwegian operator Buksér og Berging, where it will work out of the Port of Oslo.Renamed BEVER by its new owner, the tug is the ninth that Sanmar has built for the company. A tenth tug is under construction at Sanmar’s shipyard in Türkiye and is scheduled to be delivered in April 2025.
BB ELECTRA, the first fully electric powered tugboat to operate in Europe, has been extremely busy since arriving in Norway on April 8, 2024, to start working for environmentally-friendly operator Buksér og Berging.Built by Sanmar Shipyards in Turkiye to the exclusive to Sanmar ElectRA 2200SX design from Canadian naval architects Robert Allan Ltd
One of the U.S. Navy’s newest attack submarines, the future USS Idaho (SSN 799), launched from General Dynamics Electric Boat’s Groton, Ct. shipyard into the Thames River, August 6.The "float off," or launch, is a milestone in a submarine's construction, marking the moment it leaves the shipbuilder's facilities and enters the water for the first time, signaling the start of final outfitting