InterManager, the international association for the ship management sector, has elected Sebastian von Hardenberg as President.Sebastian is CEO of Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) and was elected by members of InterManager’s Executive Committee during the association’s Annual General Meeting in London this week.
BIMCO’s Documentary Committee has adopted the AUTOSHIPMAN agreement in response to a growing number of remotely controlled ships, primarily for now, in inland waterways and coastal trades.The AUTOSHIPMAN agreement provides a standard contractual foundation for third-party ship managers to deliver services for the operation of remotely controlled or fully autonomous ships.
The IACS’ Council, meeting last week in Rome for its 89th session (C89) under new Council Chair, Roberto Cazzulo, progressed a wide range of issues, foremost of which was the need for the human element to be considered at the earliest stage across all IACS’ work streams. The requirement for increased awareness and focus on how a ship’s crew can safely operate increasingly sophisticated vessels